stoney cloud: Switch to testing branch

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Login as root and execute the following to switch a stoney cloud installation from stable (releases) to testing (pre-releases). If you are migrating from a FOSS-Cloud (or have an early stoney cloud), please read below and skip this step here.

cd /usr/portage
git remote set-branches --add origin "${branch}"
git pull --rebase
git checkout "${branch}"
chown -R portage\: .
cd /var/lib/layman/foss-cloud
git remote set-branches --add origin "${branch}"
git pull --rebase
git checkout "${branch}"
chown -R portage\: .

Migrating from FOSS-Cloud

When coming from FOSS-Cloud or an early stoney cloud, it is necessary to switch the portage and portage-overlay to point to stoney cloud. To figure out, whether this is your case execute the following:

cd /usr/portage
git remote -v

which should give the following if you are on FOSS-Cloud (or have an early stone cloud)

origin (fetch)
origin (push)
cd /var/lib/layman/foss-cloud
git remote -v

which should give the following if you are on FOSS-Cloud (or have an early stone cloud)

origin (fetch)
origin (push)

If the output matches, run the following instead of the commands above to directly switch from whatever FOSS-Cloud/stoney cloud you have to a testing (pre-releases) stoney cloud:

rm -rf /usr/portage/* /usr/portage/.git /var/lib/layman/foss-cloud/* /var/lib/layman/foss-cloud/.git
cd /usr/portage
git init
git remote add -t "1.2-pre" origin ""
git checkout --orphan "1.2-pre"
cat >> .git/config << EOF
[branch "1.2-pre"]
  remote = origin
  merge = refs/heads/1.2-pre
chown -R portage\: .
cd /var/lib/layman/foss-cloud
git init
git remote add -t "1.2-pre" origin ""
git checkout --orphan "1.2-pre"
cat >> .git/config << EOF
[branch "1.2-pre"]
  remote = origin
  merge = refs/heads/1.2-pre
chown -R portage\: .

If using binary packages, you have to update the mirror configuration in /etc/portage/make.conf as well, as described in stoney cloud: Upgrade