Build Server

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Revision as of 10:27, 22 August 2014 by Tiziano (Talk | contribs)

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  • Base chroot environment for the creation of most binary packages which will be copied to the Binary Package Server.
  • Packages, which don't need to be built, for example Oracle's Java SE Development Kit (JDK), can be fetched from the Mirror Server.
  • Software stacks built upon specialized binary packages, require their own chroot environment. If possible, avoid this.
  • For reproducibility, Portage and Profiles are frozen with the help of version control system (git in our case). This is only done on the Mirror Server.
  • When building packages in a chroot environment, the portage and overlay versions need to set.

Chroot Setup


At least the following is required beforehand to ensure reproducible building:

  • a versioned portage tree
  • versioned overlays (if any)


  • Create a staging root and extract a stage3 or stage4 tarball
  • Mount proc, sys and dev (required for portage to control the tty, determine available storage space, etc.)
  • Copy /etc/resolv.conf
  • Enter the chroot
root # stagingRoot=/var/staging/staging-base
root #
mkdir -p "${stagingRoot}"
root #
tar -xjpf /var/tmp/your-stage4.tbz2 -C "${stagingRoot}"
root #
mount -t proc none "${stagingRoot}/proc"
root #
mount --rbind /dev/ "${stagingRoot}/dev/"
root #
mount --rbind /sys/ "${stagingRoot}/sys/"
root #
cp -af /etc/resolv.conf "${stagingRoot}/etc/"
root #
chroot "${stagingRoot}" /usr/bin/env -i HOME="/root" TERM="${TERM}" /bin/bash --login
We are deliberately using a special command to enter the chroot to avoid leaking environment variables