stoney cloud: Resetting your Test-Environment

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This page describes how to easily reset your stoney cloud Test-Environment.


After you've installed and configured your stoney cloud Test-Environment, but before you've added any profiles, you need to make a complete Backup of your LDAP directory:


The output will look something like:

Backup directory /var/backup/ldap/ exists
Removing backups older than 15 days ...
find /var/backup/ldap/ -type f -ctime +15 -exec rm {} \; >/dev/null
Backup Started
Executing touch /var/backup/ldap/
Executing chmod 600 /var/backup/ldap/
Executing /usr/sbin/slapcat -l /var/backup/ldap/
Backup Finished
You can look at the backup file with:
vi /var/backup/ldap/

Copy the newly created OpenLDAPmasterBackup.ldif.2015-02-12 to another location for later use:

mkdir -p /root/stoney-cloud-reset
cp /var/backup/ldap/ /root/stoney-cloud-reset/.

Resetting your Test-Environment

Stop the Web Server

Stop the Web server on both Master-Nodes:

/etc/init.d/apache2 stop

Stop the LDAP Server

Stop the LDAP server on both Master-Nodes:

/etc/init.d/slapd stop

Remove all unnecessary Files

Remove all the unnecessary files on the Primary-Master-Node:

rm /var/virtualization/iso-choosable/*.iso
rm /var/virtualization/iso/*.iso
rm /var/virtualization/vm-templates/*/*.qcow2
rm /var/virtualization/vm-dynamic/*/*.qcow2
rm /var/virtualization/vm-persistent/*/*.qcow2