2013-12-05 Telephone Conference DEVROOM / stepping stone GmbH

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Transcript of the Telephone Conference between DEVROOM / stepping stone GmbH

Location Skype
Date Thursday, the 5th of December 2013
Time 13:30 until 14:30
  • Christian Wittkowski <christian.wittkowski@devroom.de>: CWI
  • Tiziano Müller <tiziano.mueller@stepping-stone.ch>: TMU
  • Michael Eichenberger <michael.eichenberger@stepping-stone.ch>: MEI (Transcript)
Non participants
  • Christian Affolter <christian.affolter@stepping-stone.ch>: CAF
  • Pat Kläy <pat.klaey@stepping-stone.ch>: PKL
  • Christoph Scheurer <christoph.scheurer@stepping-stone.ch>: CSC
  • David Vollmer <david.vollmer@stepping-stone.ch>: DVO
  • Pascal Jufer <pascal.jufer@stepping-stone.ch>: PJU
  • Approval REST API
    • Each resource collection returns additional information like pagination, total and current count. A maximum amount of return values is defined on the server. This value can be lowered by the calling application. The pagination is only mandatory, when the maximum amount of return values is reached.
    • Do we return empty values (like shippingAddress) or not?
    • isActive is missing in the current examples.
    • The logic of the deletion process is currently located on the client side. On the server we only return an error, it the item to be deleted still has dependencies.
    • We'll define a search REST API, so that we can return results according to the mockup. The return values should be a collection containing type, uid, overview information and a REST url. With this information, the application should be able to build a new page with the proper url and retrieve the data with the help of the REST url.
    • The REST API documentation will be split into multiple documents, corresponding with the module names (core, ...).
  • Decision JavaScript Framework
  • What is missing for the tender?
  • Next steps


No. Text What? Who? When?
1 Each resource collection:
  • Will be updated.
To Do TMU/MEI 2013-12-05
2 Do we return empty values (like shippingAddress) or not?
  • Empty values are not displayed (all possible vaules must appear in the documentation).
Info All 2013-12-05
3 isActive is missing in the current examples.
  • Will be updated.
To Do TMU/MEI 2013-12-05
4 The logic of the deletion process is currently located on the client side. On the server we only return an error, it the item to be deleted still has dependencies.
  • The application is responsible for the deletion of the dependencies.
Info All 2013-12-05
5 New Functionality in the REST api:
  • We need a call, the can return either the number of dependencies or directly a list of all the dependencies (resource url).
  • Will we need a call, that helps the JavaScript Framework to create the breadcrumbs (people, services)?
To Do TMU/MEI 2013-12-05
6 Search REST API:
  • Documentation will be updated to reflect the changes.
To Do TMU/MEI 2013-12-05
7 The REST API documentation will be split:
  • Reseller and Customer and People are more or less the same.
  • The difference is in the mapping.
To Do TMU/MEI 2013-12-05
8 The REST API documentation will be extended:
  • Mapping table.
  • Mandatory/optional table.
To Do TMU/MEI 2013-12-05
9 Decision JavaScript Framework :
Info All 2013-12-05
10 Info All 2013-12-05
11 Info All 2013-12-05
12 Info All 2013-12-05