stoney core: Requirements
From stoney cloud
- Use the new REST API.
- Use JavaScript framework for the web client.
- Use AngularJS as base (perhaps starting with Angular Seed?)
- Add Restangular to make it even easier to connect to the REST-API, see also this answer on stackoverflow
- From angular-ui use:
- UI-Bootstrap to integrate with Bootstrap (note: you have to use bootstrap3 branch for now)
- UI-Utils as needed
- UI-router as needed
- UI-Alias as needed
- Integrate RequireJS
- See comparison based on a simple webapp. All suggestions have corresponding Yii extensions.
- Use AngularJS as base (perhaps starting with Angular Seed?)
- Use HTML5 and not HTML 4.01, not transitional, not XHTML
- Use bootstrap (version 3) resp. AngularUI-Bootstrap to get a working pre-defined environment including compat-shims for IE, etc.
- Testing
- Clean URLs
- URLs are specified by stepping stone GmbH
- URLs have to be bookmarkable
- When using a MVC-Javascript-Framework, the URL will partially be managed by javascript and not directly reach the server, therefore either Yii or the webserver must be able to handle such URLs when a user directly accesses such a page ("deep linking", for example via a bookmark). In AngularJS this is supposed to be done by serving the same page as for a an URL higher in the hierarchy and the JavaScript Framework will then do the right thing.
- Interaction design
- When directly accessing a URL and the session is invalid, the user must be forwarded to the requested page after successful authentication (clean referrer handling)
- Back-Button must be working properly, even when using a single-page design (see above), ensured by using a proper JavaScript framework.
- Make sure that filters, current page, etc. are preserved when going into detail view of an item and back again
- Entry in the directory for the core module (selfcare)
- Version
- Maintenance
- Views
- stoney core: Global Breadcrumb Entries (Provider View)
- stoney core: Global Breadcrumb Entries (Reseller View) Version 0.4.0
- Shorten entries on lines, so they don't have any line breaks
- Possible via CSS?
- Use space on page (content section) more efficiently
- Make menu on the left hand side a bit narrower (but with a fixed value), so the content section has more space
- Optimize the screen for minimum notebook screens (1366x768) (instead of the current 1200)
- New minimum of 1300. The content part is allowed to grow.
- Left orientated
- Still keep a minimum white space on left and right borders
- Create a fluid layout, for example using bootstrap
- Billing (belongs to core and to the modules, here we have the basic functionality)
- Price Plans
- Provider price plans need to be able to be overridden by the resellers, so that they can have their own price plans
- A Reseller should be able to set individual price plans per customer (not yet).
- Currency
- VAT (differentiate between the Swiss and foreign billing addresses)
- Billing per Reseller or per Customer
- Invoice
- Classic paper invoice
- PDF invoice
- E-bill (for Swiss Customers)
- Card payments (Postcard, Creditcard, ... wiht the corresponding gateway information)
- Reseller discount
- As a formula
- or as a table with the discount steps
- Whitelabel Billing
- Price Plans
- Billing (per Module)
- Pricing
- Base Fee for the service
- Possible free items (for example
- Formula (Quantity x price per item, 3 Gigabyte x 4.00 CHF/Gigabyte)
- Free test period?
- Pricing
- Cancellation of
- Services
- Display running period
- Display the earliest cancellation date
- Allow on-line cancellation
- Allow cancellation for earliest cancellation date
- Deletions of
- Services
- People
- Customers
- Resellers
- Service-Transfer
- From one person to another (in the same company).
- From one person to another (another company, same reseller)? No yet.
- From one person to another (another company, other reseller)? Not yet.
- Keep Data? Default is FALSE (what this means is probably different per service)
- Provisioning mode could be: transfer or transferwithdata, ...
- Roles and rights.
- Notes from the 20th of December 2012
- sstMethod would probably be more like the API-Call in the form of a URI.
- We need to define default Roles
- Service Administrator -> Needs to be chosen
- Service User -> Default Role
- Shall we have the possibility to collect roles together in the form of groups
- Forms
- Either Different forms for the different functionality
- Or define, which fields are read write, read only are not to displayed
The following LDIF is just a collection of ideas and needs to be simplified to reduce the hierarchy:
# Default Roller "VM Backup" ou=roles,dc=foo-cloud,dc=org uid=1234567,ou=roles,dc=foo-cloud,dc=org sstRoleName: VM Backup sstIsActive: TRUE ou=api calls,uid=1234567,ou=roles,dc=foo-cloud,dc=org ou=create,ou=account,ou=backup,ou=api calls,uid=1234567,ou=roles,dc=foo-cloud,dc=org sstMethod: ou=create,ou=backup,ou=sections,ou=virtualization,ou=services,dc=foo-cloud,dc=org sstReadWrite: quota sstReadWrite: userPassword ou=delete,ou=api calls,uid=1234567,ou=roles,dc=foo-cloud,dc=org sstReadOnly: givenName sstReadOnly: surname sstMandatory? sstMethod: ou=delete,ou=backup,ou=sections,ou=virtualization,ou=services,dc=foo-cloud,dc=org
- How and where do we store the possible api-calls and the corresponding fields in the directory for the core and service?
- How do want to display and/or list the roles without overwhelming the users?
- Different default roles for different person types (reseller, customer, provider)
- Service restriction is possible per user in his roles?
- Support Switch-User (with Switch Back)
- Hierarchical Switches are not supported, meaning: if you want to change into the role of a second user, you need to leave (switch back) the role of the first user.
- Where shall we display this information?
- Shall we add new editing functionalities by the people listing at the end of the table lines? A pop menu (a bit like in Alfresco).
- Would be valid for all other screens as well.
- Password
- Change password.
- Forgot password (the owner of the mail account is guide to the password retrieval process).
- Reset password (and send newly created credentials to either person logged in oder to the owner of the mail account).
Provider View
- Reseller
- Add
- Modify
- Delete
- List
- People of Reseller
- Add
- Modify
- Delete
- List
- Employees
- Add
- Modify
- Delete
- List
- Modules
- The actual module installation happens via ebuild (deployment of the code)
- Load/Install new modules (update the configuration file)
- Configure Modules (configuration / defaults)
- Release Module for single, multiple or all Resellers
Reseller View
- Modules
- Configure Modules (configuration / defaults)
- Release Module for single, multiple or all Customers