stoney core: Resellers Resource - REST API

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The reseller resource represents the bla, bla, bla...

Reseller resource methods

Reseller creation (POST)

To create a new reseller the client needs to send a HTTP POST request on the reseller collection resource URI (also see Base URI), including the associated reseller informations. The service will generate a new reseller and responds with a HTTP status code 201 (Created) on success. The newly created reseller URI is returned within the HTTP location header, which can be used by the client to gather informations about the new reseller.

Reseller creation request message

HTTP request part Content Example
Request lines POST <Request-URI> HTTP 1.1

HOST: <Host>

POST /v1/resellers/ HTTP 1.1


Request headers Accept: <Type>/<Subtype>

Content-Type: <Type>/<Subtype>

Accept: application/json

Content-Type: application/json

Request body JSON object { ... }
Parameter name Data type Mandatory Description Allowed content Default value Example
isCompany boolean yes true if the reseller represents a company, false if it's an individual person. true or false - true

Reseller creation response message

Reseller retrieval (GET)

Reseller update (PUT)

Reseller partly update (PATCH)

Reseller deletion (DELETE)
