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(OpenLDAP directory)
(OpenLDAP directory)
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= Requirements =
= Requirements =
== OpenLDAP directory ==
== OpenLDAP directory ==
Each service needs a notification entry in the form of:
Each service needs a '''notification''' entry in the form of:
  dn: ou=notifications,uid=<RESELLER>,ou=reseller,ou=configuration,ou=<SERVICE>,ou=services,dc=stoney-cloud,dc=org
  dn: ou=notifications,uid=<RESELLER>,ou=reseller,ou=configuration,ou=<SERVICE>,ou=services,dc=stoney-cloud,dc=org
a settings entry in the form of:  
A '''settings''' entry in the form of:  
  dn: ou=settings,uid=<RESELLER>,ou=reseller,ou=configuration,ou=<SERVICE>,ou=services,dc=stoney-cloud,dc=org
  dn: ou=settings,uid=<RESELLER>,ou=reseller,ou=configuration,ou=<SERVICE>,ou=services,dc=stoney-cloud,dc=org
One or more template entries in the form of:  
One or more '''template''' entries in the form of:  
  dn: ou=<PROBLEM>,ou=templates,uid=<RESELLER>,ou=reseller,ou=configuration,ou=<SERVICE>,ou=services,dc=stoney-cloud,dc=org
  dn: ou=<PROBLEM>,ou=templates,uid=<RESELLER>,ou=reseller,ou=configuration,ou=<SERVICE>,ou=services,dc=stoney-cloud,dc=org

Revision as of 13:56, 1 January 2014


The pages describes the basic notification architecture and framework.

Its main goal is to provide a script (class) which implements all generic methods used by the different Self-Service Modules to inform the user and/or the reseller. When instantiating the notification object, you only need to provide three parameters:

  • The product/service UID (e.g. 4000004)
  • The service name (e.g. "backup")
  • The problem name (e.g. "quota")

According to these three parameters the notification script

  1. Connects to the LDAP directory
  2. Gets the reseller according to the product/service UID from the LDAP directory
  3. Gets the user and reseller template files (template path and file-ending) from the LDAP directory and according to the reseller
  4. Uses this template-file to instantiate a perl-template object
  5. Creates an empty replace-hash
    This empty hash must be set by the Self-Service Module script, using the setReplaceHash method.
  6. Checks if the user should be informed about the given problem (according to the LDAP directory)
    • If the user should be informed:
      • Gets the E-Mail address which should be used to inform the user (according to the LDAP directory)
      • Fills in the user template using the replace-hash
      • Sends the mail (in future it will be possible to use SMS instead) to the given address
  7. Checks if the reseller wants to be informed (according to the LDAP)
    • If the reseller should be informed:
      • Gets the E-Mail address which should be used to inform the reseller (according to the LDAP directory)
      • Fills in the reseller template using the replace-hash
      • Sends the mail (in future it will be possible to use SMS instead) to the given address

See also Graphical Workflow

Currently the following Self-Service Modules depend on this notification framework:


OpenLDAP directory

Each service needs a notification entry in the form of:

dn: ou=notifications,uid=<RESELLER>,ou=reseller,ou=configuration,ou=<SERVICE>,ou=services,dc=stoney-cloud,dc=org

A settings entry in the form of:

dn: ou=settings,uid=<RESELLER>,ou=reseller,ou=configuration,ou=<SERVICE>,ou=services,dc=stoney-cloud,dc=org

One or more template entries in the form of:

dn: ou=<PROBLEM>,ou=templates,uid=<RESELLER>,ou=reseller,ou=configuration,ou=<SERVICE>,ou=services,dc=stoney-cloud,dc=org


The following example shows the backup service notification entry for the reseller with the uid 4000000:

dn: ou=notifications,uid=4000000,ou=reseller,ou=configuration,ou=backup,ou=services,dc=stoney-cloud,dc=org
objectclass: top
objectclass: organizationalUnit
objectclass: sstNotificationObjectClass
ou: notifications
description: The sub tree stores the notification information for the (online) backup service for the reseller Reseller Ltd. with the uid 4000000. This information is used independently of the notification settings of the users.
sstMailTo: Support stepping stone GmbH <support@stepping-stone.ch>
sstNotificationWarning: quota
sstNotificationWarning: schedule
sstNotificationWarning: unsuccessful


  • sstMailTo is the e-mail address to which the reseller notifications are sent
  • sstNotificationWarning indicates which notifications should be sent to the specified address (sstMailTo), in this the, the reseller would receive notifications concerning:
    • backup quota
    • backup schedule
    • backup unseccessful


The following example shows the backup service settings entry for the reseller with the uid 4000000:

dn: ou=settings,uid=4000000,ou=reseller,ou=configuration,ou=backup,ou=services,o=stepping-stone,c=ch
description: This sub tree stores the information about what can be modified in which scope.
objectClass: top
objectClass: organizationalUnit
objectClass: sstServiceSettingsObjectClass
ou: settings
preferredLanguage: de-CH
sstMailFrom: Support stepping stone GmbH <support@stepping-stone.ch>


  • sstMailFrom is the e-mail address where the notification mail comes from
  • preferredLanguage the language in which the mail will be sent to the reseller


The following example shows the backup service quota template entry for the reseller with the uid 4000000:.

dn: ou=quota,ou=templates,uid=4000000,ou=reseller,ou=configuration,ou=backup,ou=services,o=stepping-stone,c=ch
description: This leaf contains the quota templates for the (online) backup service.
objectClass: top
objectClass: organizationalUnit
objectClass: sstTemplateSetup
ou: quota
sstMailFrom: Support stepping stone GmbH <support@stepping-stone.ch>
sstMailTemplate: file:///var/www/selfcare/htdocs/themes/selfcare.stepping-stone.ch/templates/services/backup/quota/quota_mail
sstMailTemplateFormatSource: txt
sstMailTemplateFormatTarget: txt
sstMailTemplateReseller: file:///var/www/selfcare/htdocs/themes/selfcare.stepping-stone.ch/templates/services/backup/quota/quota_mail_reseller
sstMailTemplateResellerFormatSource: txt
sstMailTemplateResellerFormatTarget: txt


  • sstMailFrom is the e-mail address where the notification mail comes from
  • sstMailTemplate is the path to the notification mail (the one which is sent to the user) template
  • sstMailTemplateFormatSource is the format (file ending) of the notification mail (the one which is sent to the user) template
  • sstMailTemplateFormatTarget is the format (file ending) of the notification mail (the one which is sent to the user) text (all placeholders from the template are now replaced)
  • sstMailTemplateReseller is the path to the notification mail (the one which is sent to the reseller) template
  • sstMailTemplateResellerFormatSource is the format (file ending) of the notification mail (the one which is sent to the reseller) template
  • sstMailTemplateResellerFormatTarget is the format (file ending) of the notification mail (the one which is sent to the reseller) text (all placeholders from the template are now replaced)

File System

In addition to the above explained LDAP Directory entries, the templates specified in sstMailTemplate and sstMailTemplateReseller must be present on the local file system. The notification script would throw an warning if they do not exist (or have wrong permission), but for the notification to work they must be present.

Graphical Workflow

Source Code

The source code is located in our GitHub Repository:
