As the stoney cloud actually tries to act as a collection of all aspects of a high availability cloud infrastructure, we have roughly three main sections:
- Infrastructure: The basis of the whole ecosystem (Build Server, Binary Package Server, Mirror Server, Puppet Server, Operating System).
- stoney cloud: The actual cloud with an easy to use multi-tenant web based interface.
- Self-Service Modules: Modules that expand the functionality of the stoney cloud.
To make the base installation of the stoney cloud as small and simple as possible, everything is as modularised as possible.
The article Gentoo Infrastructure describes how use gentoo as an infrastructure backbone for creating a complete and modern IT architecture.
stoney cloud
The main framework called stoney core is responsible for shared functionality.
- The basic installation and configuration of the initial stoney cloud components (OpenLDAP server, Apache web server, GlusterFS, ...).
- Reseller, customer and user management.
- Roles and rights management.
- Billing functionality.
- Searching functionality.
- A consistent look and feel between modules.
- Internationalization.
This functionality is accessible via:
- A REST API, which serves as the data and business logic abstraction layer and uses JSON as the primary data interchange format.
This REST API is currenty accessible via:
- A command line interface.
- An Ajax based web interface.
- Any scripting language which supports a REST API and JSON.
Self-Service Modules
The Self-Service Modules expand the initial stoney cloud functionality. Some examples:
- stoney conductor: A cloud and virtual machine management tool (storage, network, cpu, memory, virtual machines, backups, snapshots, ...).
- stoney vm: A simplified sub set of the stoney conductor functionality (start, stop, access a virtual machine).
- stoney backup: An on-line backup service for desktops, servers and virtual machines.
- stoney mail: A mail service with optional collaboration functionality (based on Open-Xchange).
- stoney monitor: Monitoring (with Zabbix).
- stoney orchestra: Configuration Management (with Puppet).
- stoney box: An on-line storage service (Webbrowser access via HTTPS, WebDAV via HTTPS and synchronisation to multiple devices).
- stoney web: Web & Database hosting service (based on Apache and MariaDB).
Self-Service Modules Naming
The names of the modules are derived from the service functionality. These can be different from the marketing names. These marketing names must configurable per reseller and per customer.
Naming Convention for Provisioning modules belonging to a Self-Service module:
- prov-<SERVICE>-<TYPE>
- prov-mail-ox
- prov-backup-kvm
- prov-backup-rsnapshot
- prov-monitoring-zabbix
- prov-configuration-management-puppet
Self-Service Modules Installation
It would be nice to be able to install new modules without the need to modify the main configuration file. Maybe with single configuration files per module? Or do you have other suggestions?
- Use memcached?
- Use a file with one include per module?
Self-Service Modules Splitting
The Self-Service Modules are split into different parts, based on their functionality:
- api: REST Application Programming Interface.
- cli: A command Line Interface, which uses the REST API to read or write data.
- docs: The self-service module documentation.
- helpers: Helper scripts and programmes, like notifications (quota, backup failed, rsnapshot, ...).
- prov-<SERVICE>-<TYPE>: Scripts and programmes to provision services.
- web: Ajax based web interface.
Where nothing else is defined, the following rules apply:
- All source code is hosted on GitHub. See the the GitHub chapter below for more information.
- Version control via Git, according to Git flow. TBD.
- Bug & Enhancement Tracking via GitHub (reproduction of the sprints on GitHub).
- PHP Coding-Standards according to Symfony Coding Standards, otherwise fall-back to PSR-2.
- Unit Tests according PHPUnit (like to Symfony).
- Versions schema according Semantic Versioning. TBD
- Programming languages:
- api: Symfony.
- cli: Bash or Perl.
- helpers: Bash or Perl. Other languages possible.
- prov-<SERVICE>-<TYPE>: Perl
- web: JavaScript Framework AngularJS (with HTML5).
The Release Management page gives you a nice overview about Release Cycles, Versioning and Development Procedure. The chapter Source Code Organization describes nicely, where the code is located on GitHub.
The following directory structure is proposed:
/api # REST Application Programming Interface. /cli # A command Line Interface, which uses the REST API to read or write data. /docs # The self-service module documentation. /examples # Example scripts for proof of concept and similar scripts. /helpers # Helper scripts and programmes, like notifications (quota, backup failed, rsnapshot, ...). /provisioning # Scripts and programmes to provision services. /schema # Description, validation specification and documentation of the REST API. /web # Ajax based web interface. /LICENSE # The license the self-service module is released under. / # A simple readme file containing an overview and how to install as the absolute minimum.
Every sub folder must contain (where applicable):
- A simple readme file containing an overview and how to install as the absolute minimum.
- Structure according to best practice of the programming language or framework (a separation of configuration and code would be nice).
- A test directory (Unit-Tests, Test-Cases, Test-Data, ...).
- Documentation.
The following shows how a helpers directory structure could look like.
/helpers # Helper scripts and programmes, like notifications (quota, backup failed, rsnapshot, ...). /helpers/bin # Binary / executable scripts and programmes. /helpers/etc # Configuration files and directories. /helpers/data # Data used for the helpers. /helpers/data/data.ldif # The actual data, in this case a ldif file. /helpers/test # Tests (CLI, Unit-Tests, ...). /helpers/ # A simple readme file containing an overview and how to install as the absolute minimum.
The following shows how a schema directory structure could look like.
/schema # Description, validation specification and documentation of the REST API. /schema/core.schema.json # Every module has a master file, which includes all json files (the name is derived from the Git Repo module name) /schema/base.schema.json # Type definitions. /schema/reseller.schema.json # Per resource on file. /schema/people.schema.json # /schema/ # Information how the schema file(s) can be used and how the documentation can be extracted.
The following shows how a prov-<SERVICE>-<TYPE> directory structure could look like. The following example is done with prov-backup-rsnapshot.
/prov-backup-rsnapshot # Scripts and programmes to provision services. /prov-backup-rsnapshot/bin # Binary / executable scripts and programmes. /prov-backup-rsnapshot/etc # Configuration files and directories. /prov-backup-rsnapshot/etc/Provsioning # /prov-backup-rsnapshot/etc/Provsioning/Backup # /prov-backup-rsnapshot/lib # Provisioning Perl-Modules for a dedicated Service (for example or /prov-backup-rsnapshot/lib/perl # /prov-backup-rsnapshot/lib/perl/Provisioning # /prov-backup-rsnapshot/lib/perl/Provisioning/Backup # /prov-backup-rsnapshot/lib/perl/Provisioning/Backup/Rsnapshot # /prov-backup-rsnapshot/libexec # /prov-backup-rsnapshot/test # Tests (CLI, Unit-Tests, ...): /prov-backup-rsnapshot/ # A simple readme file containing an overview and how to install as the absolute minimum.