
stoney core: OpenLDAP directory data organisation

7 bytes removed, 13:30, 13 April 2021
/* People - Person - Session tokens */
Each JSON Web Token (JWT) session token receives its own child-entry to store additional meta data, such as the token's create date, last utilisation date, ... In the example below, the session token <code>sstToken: 2e211493-41e6-4c74-9431-b5d990b177a4</code> was created on the 13th of April 2021 at 08:10:27 UTC (<code>sstCreationDate: 20210413T081027Z</code>) and two clients have used this token (the first with an IPv4 address, the second with an IPv6 address):
<source lang='ldif'>
dn: sstToken=2e211493-41e6-4c74-9431-b5d990b177a4,ou=tokens,uid=4000002,ou=people,dc=stoney-cloud,dc=org
SLB, editor, reviewer