
stoney core: Resellers Resource Mapping (REST - LDAP)

188 bytes added, 11:59, 8 January 2014
/* Resellers Resource Mapping */
* the attribute in ''bold'' letters is the REST API ressource identifier and can as such never be specified in a <code>POST</code> request but will always be generated on the server side
* specifying a read-only attribut in a <code>PUT</code> or <code>PATCH</code> request is allowed as long as the value is the same as currently set
* the mapping applies to create (<code>POST</code>), read (<code>GET</code>) and update (<code>PATCH</code> or <code>PUT</code>). For delete (<code>DELETE</code>) the REST principles apply
Base DN: dc=stoney-cloud,dc=org
Bureaucrat, administrator