
stoney core: Global Searches

843 bytes added, 09:35, 12 August 2013
/* Alphanumerical value (non-integer) Backup Search */
==== Alphanumerical value (non-integer) Backup Search ====
The following example shows you the alphanumerical value (non-integer) search with '''mic''' (mic*) as the search parameter and the attributes '''o''' (for the organisation), '''givenName''', '''sn''' (surname) and '''sstIsActive''' as the return values:
ldapsearch -H ldaps:// \
-b "ou=backup,ou=services,dc=foss-cloud,dc=org" \
-s sub \
-D "cn=Manager,dc=foss-cloud,dc=org" \
-W -x -LLL \
"(&(sstBelongsToResellerUID=4000000)(|(cn=*mic*)(gecos=*mic*)(givenName=mic*)))" uid cn gecos sstQuota sstIsActive
Do not forget to restrict the search according to the person who is currently logged in.
The result(s):
dn: uid=3723707,ou=accounts,ou=backup,ou=services,dc=foss-cloud,dc=org
uid: 3723707
cn: Michael Eichenberger
gecos: Michael Eichenberger
sstIsActive: TRUE
sstQuota: 10737418240
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