
stoney cloud: Upgrade

2,026 bytes added, 11:12, 5 November 2014
/* Update */
== Update ==
=== Updating from or earlier to or newer ===
A complete rebuild of all packages was required, therefore the update guide is different:
<source lang='bash'>
emerge -eK world -va
# sst-libvirt-hooks is not part of the stoney-cloud anymore since it requires further configuration
# make sure that it still gets updated and not removed later, if you have it installed and enabled
emerge -K app-emulation/sst-libvirt-hooks
# Switch runtime switchable options
eselect python set python3.3
eselect php set cli php5.5
eselect php set apache2 php5.5
gcc-config x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-4.7.3
During the dispatch-conf the following may appear:
* /etc/libvirt/libvirt.conf: you may get the suggestion to remove almost all content. Quit dispatch-conf and do: <code>rm /etc/libvirt/._mrg*</code> and start dispatch-conf again.
* /etc/libvirt/libvirt.conf: merge all whitespace/comment changes but make sure you don't overwrite the <code>listen_addr</code>
* /etc/portage/make.conf: merge all changes beside the <code>PORTAGE_BINHOST</code>
* /var/www/localhost/htdocs/vm-manager/vm_config.php: merge the versions, newly added lines and comments. Avoid changes on sstSourceHostName array
To make sure everything works, reboot and then cleanup:
<source lang='bash'>
emerge --depclean -va
* If the cleanup fails stating that <code>Locale-gettext</code> depends on some version of perl, reinstall that package manually once and try again:
<source lang='bash'>
emerge -1K Locale-gettext
# same for autoconf-/automake-wrapper if host was used to build stuff:
emerge -1K sys-devel/autoconf-wrapper sys-devel/automake-wrapper
* '''WARNING''': this also removes the current kernel. If you want to play it safe, reboot first, then depclean, then reboot again
* Rebuilde separately installed perl modules and remove traces of the old perl version:
<source lang='bash'>
perl-cleaner --all -- -va
rm -rf /usr/lib64/perl5/{vendor_perl,}/5.12.4
=== Regular Update ===
Makes sure, your local portage tree is updated:
Bureaucrat, administrator