
/* OpenStack (infrastructure) - Unit (instance) - Examples */
==== OpenStack (infrastructure) - Unit (instance) - Examples ====
Some concrete naming examples of the OpenStack control-, compute- and storage nodes as well as the control virtual machines (VMs):
Control nodes:
* ctrl-node-001: stepping stone AG: CentOS 7 (Control), with the Puppet role <code>cloud_openstack_control</code>
* ctrl-node-002: stepping stone AG: CentOS 7 (Control), with the Puppet role <code>cloud_openstack_control</code>
Compute nodes:
* compute-node-001: stepping stone AG: CentOS 7 (Compute), with the Puppet role <code>cloud_openstack_compute</code>
* compute-node-002: stepping stone AG: CentOS 7 (Compute), with the Puppet role <code>cloud_openstack_compute</code>
Storage nodes:
* storage-node-001: stepping stone AG: CentOS 7 (Ceph monitor), with the Puppet role <code>storage_ceph</code>
* storage-node-002: stepping stone AG: CentOS 7 (Ceph monitor), with the Puppet role <code>storage_ceph</code>
* storage-node-003: stepping stone AG: CentOS 7 (Ceph storage), with the Puppet role <code>storage_ceph</code>
Control VMs:
* ctrl-vm-020: stepping stone AG: CentOS 7 (Ceph monitor), with the Puppet role <code>storage_ceph</code>
* ctrl-vm-021: stepping stone AG: CentOS 7 (Glance), with the Puppet role <code>cloud_openstack_glance</code>
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dn: uid=4100002,ou=units,ou=dedicated servers,ou=services,dc=stoney-cloud,dc=org
SLB, editor, reviewer