
stoney cloud: OpenLDAP directory data organisation

4 bytes added, 13:30, 25 August 2018
/* Domain (OpenStack Service Provider Domain) example */
This is also quite a special domain, as it collects the cloud administrators of the OpenStack based stoney cloud. It is added manually just after the bootstrapping phase. Therefore we do '''never'' provision this domain and we don't add the <code>objectclass: sstProvisioning</code> to this domain.
<source lang="ldif">
dn: uid=49999984999999,ou=domains,ou=openstack,ou=services,dc=stoney-cloud,dc=org
objectclass: top
objectclass: sstOpenStackDomain
objectclass: sstRelationship
uid: 49999984999999
sstOpenStackId: abcdef2477be64c099500224864999998
sstOpenStackName: Service Provider
sstIsActive: TRUE
sstBillable: FALSE
sstBelongsToResellerUIDsstBelongsTo:wqResellerUID: 4000000
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