

1,877 bytes added, 19:35, 19 August 2013
/* = Configuration */
* {$uid} => The backups UID
All placeholders are language depended.
==== Configuration ===<pre>[XML]# In this section you should not change anything. This is the path of the schemas and XML files located on the serverSCHEDULE_FILE = %homeDirectory%/incoming/%computerName%/.sepiola_backup/scheduler.xmlSCHEDULE_XSD = %configpath%/../etc/schema/scheduler_schema.xsdBACKUP_ENDED_FILE = %homeDirectory%/incoming/%computerName%/.sepiola_backup/backupEnded.xmlBACKUP_ENDED_XSD = %configpath%/../etc/schema/backupended_schema.xsdBACKUP_STARTED_FILE = %homeDirectory%/incoming/%computerName%/.sepiola_backup/backupStarted.xmlBACKUP_STARTED_XSD = %configpath%/../etc/schema/backupstarted_schema.xsd  [TEMPLATE]# You can modify thesea variables as you wish, they# will be used for the saluataion in the mail that will# be sent to the user. The salutations are language and # gender dependant (m = male / f = female)Salutation_Default_de-CH = Liebe Kundin / Lieber KundeSalutation_m_de-CH = Sehr geehrter HerrSalutation_f_de-CH = Sehr geehrte FrauSalutation_Default_en-GB = Dear customerSalutation_m_en-GB = Dear Mr.Salutation_f_en-GB = Dear Mrs. [LDAP] SERVER = # The URI of your LDAP serverPORT = # The port on which your LDAP server listensDEBUG = # If you want debug messages for LDAP connection ADMIN_DN = # The admin-bind DN to you LDAP serverADMIN_PASSWORD = # The appropriate very secret password BACKUP_BASE = # The base dn of the backup accountsPEOPLE_BASE = # The base dn of the people accountsRESELLER_BASE = # The base dn of the reseller-configuration accountsSCOPE = sub [MAIL]mailTo = # To whom the mail is sent if nothing is found in the LDAPhost = # The mail host over which the mails are sentport = # The port of the mail hostusername = # The username to authenticate on the mail hostpassword = # The password to authenticate on the mail hostfrom = # From which the mail comes from if nothing is found in the LDAP</pre>