
Manually adding a new bridge

281 bytes added, 09:03, 21 February 2014
/* Create a new bridging device */
= Overview =
The following page describes the steps to manually add a new Ethernet bridge (<code>vmbrX</code>) to an existing stoney cloud installation. In this example we presume you want to add the new Ethernet bridge <code>vmbr4</code>.
== Before:adding a new bridge ==
Bridging interfaces | vmbr0 | (vmbr1 | ) vmbr2 | (vmbr2) | (vmbr3 ) |
== After adding an additional bridge (vmbr4):==
= Prerequisites =
To be able to add and configure a new bridge, you need to have the following informations present:
* The name of the bridge, such as <code>vmbr4</code> (<code>vmbr1</code>, vmbr2 <code>vmbr3</code> and <code>vmbr3 </code> are reserved for existing networks)
* VLAN ID, such as <code>141</code>
* IP prefix, such as <code>192.0168.2141.0/24</code>* Default gateway address (if any), such as <code>192.0168.2141.1</code>* IP address for the DHCP server on the VM node, such as <code>192.0168.2141.13</code>* Broadcast address, such as <code>192.0168.2141.255</code>
Make sure, that you have configured the new VLAN on all involved switches and routers beforehand.
71: vlan141@bond0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP mode DEFAULT
link/ether XX38:XX60:XX77:XX9c:XX98:XX 40 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
In order to bring the newly configured VLAN up after a system reboot, the network configuration needs to be extended. Edit <code>/etc/conf.d/net</code> and add the following entryentries:<source lang="bash"> $EDITOR /etc/conf.d/net</source>
<source lang="bash">
# VLAN (802.1q support)
### Add the new vlan to the bond device
vlans_bond0="130 120 110 140 141"
config_vmbr4=" brd" # is the ip address of the vm-node.(only required on primary- and secondary master node for the dhcp server, on all others use: null)
rc_net_vmbr4_provide="!net" # Otherwise stopping or restarting the bridge, will bring all net-services down.