
/* Transcript */
** Documetation fixed.
* (3) Gleicher Bereich: In der Zeile "location": "" könnte die URL auch so geschrieben werden: Hier meine ich braucht es diese Relation Variante nicht?
* (34) [[stoney_core:_REST_API#Relations]]: Ich würde in der jetzigen Implementierung die Relationen gerne weglassen.* (45) Gibt es in der LDAP Suche eine Möglichkeit sich in einem Knoten nur den Eintrag geben zu lassen mit dem jüngsten modifyTimestamp? Dies wäre für die Ermittlung des <code>[ ETag]</code> bzw. Last-Modified wichtig.
| width="40px" | 2
| width="800px" | q and sort are GET parameters [[stoney_core:_REST_API#Reserved_Keywords | Reserved Keywords]] and have got nothing to do with are therefore not allowed in the JSON payload. Therefore we don't see a current of future issue.
| width="70px" | Info
| width="70px" | All
| width="40px" | 34
| width="800px" | We've updated the [[stoney_core:_REST_API#Relations | Relations]] section of the documentation. It should be simpler to implement this way.
| width="70px" | Info
| width="40px" | 45| width="800px" | YesNo, currently you do not have this possibility. We'll send you an The following example how to do thiswill return all the entries and display the modifyTimestamp:<pre>ldapsearch -v -H "ldaps://" \ -b "ou=people,dc=stoney-cloud,dc=org" \ -D "cn=Manager,dc=stoney-cloud,dc=org" \ -s one "(objectClass=* Additionally )" \ "modifyTimestamp" \ -LLL -W filter: (objectClass=*)requesting: modifyTimestamp dn: uid=4000002,ou=people,dc=stoney-cloud,dc=orgmodifyTimestamp: 20131220135513Z</pre>To achieve server side sorting, weneed to install the Server Side Sorting and Virtual List View Overlay:* Internet-Draft: [ draft-ietf-ldapext-ldapv3-vlv-09.txt]* OpenLDAP Overlay: [ slapo-sssvlv] - Server Side Sorting and Virtual List View overlay to slapd. How to set a LDAP control: We'll define how to create the hash used as the ETag.** Use Case 1: Business object has a one to one relation in the LDAP directory.** Use Case 2: Business object has a one to N relation in the LDAP directory.
See [[stoney_core:_REST_API#Mandatory_headers | Mandatory headers]] for example. The implementation details will be described on another page.
| width="70px" | To Do
SLB, editor, reviewer