
/* Transcript */
modifyTimestamp: 20131220135513Z
* Additionally To achieve server side sorting, weneed to install the Server Side Sorting and Virtual List View Overlay:* Internet-Draft: [ draft-ietf-ldapext-ldapv3-vlv-09.txt]* OpenLDAP Overlay: [ slapo-sssvlv] - Server Side Sorting and Virtual List View overlay to slapd. We'll define how to create the hash used as the ETag.** Use Case 1: Business object has a one to one relation in the LDAP directory.** Use Case 2: Business object has a one to N relation in the LDAP directory.
See [[stoney_core:_REST_API#Mandatory_headers | Mandatory headers]] for example. The implementation details will be described on another page.
| width="70px" | To Do
SLB, editor, reviewer