
stoney backup: OpenLDAP directory data organisation

2,888 bytes added, 12:55, 1 January 2014
/* Backup Reseller Upgrade Templates */
===== Backup Reseller Upgrade Templates =====
This sub tree contains the '''upgrade''' templates for the (online) backup service:
dn: ou=unsuccessful,ou=templates,uid=4000000,ou=reseller,ou=configuration,ou=backup,ou=services,dc=stoney-cloud,dc=org
objectclass: top
objectclass: organizationalUnit
objectclass: sstTemplateSetup
ou: unsuccessful
description: This leaf contains the schedule templates for the (online) backup service.
sstMailFrom: Support stepping stone GmbH <>
sstMailTemplate: file:///var/www/selfcare/htdocs/themes/
sstMailTemplateFormatSource: txt
sstMailTemplateFormatTarget: txt
sstMailTemplateReseller: file:///var/www/selfcare/htdocs/themes/
sstMailTemplateFormatSource: txt
sstMailTemplateFormatTarget: txt
====== Unsuccessful Place Holders E-Mail (txt/html) ======
An example:
{$salutation} Mr.
{$surname} Eichenberger
{$scheduled_date} 01. August 2013
{$scheduled_time} 15:00
{$gecos} Michael Eichenberger
{$computer} my-laptop
{$last_success} The last successful backup was made on the 03. July 2013 at 14:45
{$uid} 1234567
Optional Values:
{$externalID} 12345
Example template:
Subject: Online Backup information for account {$uid}
{$salutation} {$surname}
Your backup for the account '{$gecos}' and the computer '{$computer}', scheduled for the {$scheduled_date} at {$scheduled_time}, was not successful.
If the problem can be solved with a manual Backup, you may ignore this message.
Otherwise please contact us under:
Kind regards
your stepping stone GmbH support team
stepping stone GmbH
Neufeldstrasse 9
CH-3012 Bern
Telefon: +41 31 332 53 63
Which results in the following mail for the backup account 4000152:
Dear Mr. Kläy
Your backup for the account 'Pat Klaey' and the computer 'pat-GT60', scheduled for the 18. Aug 2013 at 17:15, was not successful.
The last successful backup was made the 01. July 2013 at 12:00
If the problem can be solved with a manual Backup, you may ignore this message.
Otherwise please contact us under:
Kind regards
your stepping stone GmbH support team
stepping stone GmbH
Neufeldstrasse 9
CH-3012 Bern
Telefon: +41 31 332 53 63
====== Unsuccessful Place Holders LibreOffice (odt) ======
LibreOffice (odt) templates have the same place holders as the E-Mail (text/html) templates. The only thing that changes, are the definitions. Instead of <code>{$placeholder}</code> we have <code>&#123;&#123;placeholder&#125;&#125;</code>.
===== Backup Reseller No Backup Templates =====
This sub tree contains the '''no backup''' templates for the (online) backup service:
dn: ou=unsuccessful,ou=templates,uid=4000000,ou=reseller,ou=configuration,ou=backup,ou=services,dc=stoney-cloud,dc=org
objectclass: top
SLB, editor, reviewer