stoney core: Interface Installation

Revision as of 09:49, 5 September 2013 by Michael (Talk | contribs)


This document describes the installation of the Selfcare interface above a stoney cloud installation.


After working through this documentation, you will be able to set up and configure your own Selfcare interface on your stoney cloud installation.

Software Installation


A working stoney cloud installation.

Keywords & USE-Flags

As you're installing the Selfcare interface on a existing stoney cloud installation, you do not need any further keywords or USE-flags.


emerge -va www-apps/sst-selfcare

Software Configuration


Edit the main configuration file of the Selfcare interface:


The following default values need to be changed according to your stoney cloud installation.

'server' => 'ldaps://<STONEY-CLOUD-LDAP-HOSTNAME>/',
'bind_rdn' => 'cn=Manager,dc=stoney-cloud,dc=org',
'base_dn' => 'dc=stoney-cloud,dc=org',

For example:

'server' => 'ldaps://',
'bind_rdn' => 'cn=Manager,o=stepping-stone,c=ch',
'bind_pwd' => 'myverysecretpassword',
'base_dn' => 'o=stepping-stone,c=ch',


Last modified on 5 September 2013, at 09:49