stoney core: Interface Installation

Revision as of 11:53, 13 October 2013 by Michael (Talk | contribs)


This document describes the installation of the Selfcare interface above a stoney cloud installation.


After working through this documentation, you will be able to set up and configure your own Selfcare interface on your stoney cloud installation.

Software Installation


A working stoney cloud installation.

Keywords & USE-Flags

As you're installing the Selfcare interface on a existing stoney cloud installation, you do not need any further keywords or USE-flags.


emerge -va www-apps/sst-selfcare

Software Configuration


Selfcare Configuration

Edit the main configuration file of the Selfcare interface:


The following default values need to be changed according to your stoney cloud installation.

'server' => 'ldaps://<STONEY-CLOUD-LDAP-HOSTNAME>/',
'bind_rdn' => 'cn=Manager,dc=stoney-cloud,dc=org',
'base_dn' => 'dc=stoney-cloud,dc=org',

For example:

'server' => 'ldaps://',
'bind_rdn' => 'cn=Manager,o=stepping-stone,c=ch',
'bind_pwd' => 'myverysecretpassword',
'base_dn' => 'o=stepping-stone,c=ch',

Themes (per Reseller)

Each Reseller can have their own theme. The themes are dependent on the fully qualified domain name (fqdn). The uniform resource identifier (uri) will point to the following directory:



Last modified on 13 October 2013, at 11:53