
2013-08-19 stepping stone GmbH Development Meeting

64 bytes added, 09:53, 20 August 2013
/* Transcript of the stepping stone GmbH Development Meeting */
* Only work on backups with <code>sstIsActive: TRUE</code>. -> PKL
* Change LDIFs, so users can log in with their short cut names like MEI oder PKL. -> MEI
* Add employees of our new reseller to the LDIFs. -> MEI
* Configure Daemons to use VIP again (including selfcare and phpldapadmin)
* Update internal documentation/issues with the ULOG / NFLOG changes and make public.
* Fix quota on backup server.
* Added employees of our new reseller to the LDIFs. -> MEI
* Add "Subject: {$uid} ..." to the mail templates.
| width="40px" | 4
| width="800px" | Add employees of our new reseller to the LDIFs.| width="70px" | InfoTo Do| width="70px" | All[[User:Michael|MEI]]| width="70px" | 2013-08-1920
SLB, editor, reviewer