
User:Lucas/Gentoo Install Notes

888 bytes added, 17:33, 22 February 2014
* now for puppet: USE="augeas vim-syntax" emerge puppet
* before using puppet: emerge eix && eix-update
* clone puppet tree: git clone /etc/puppet/environments/development
* install librarian: gem19 install librarian-puppet
* load puppet modules: cd /etc/puppet/environments/development && librarian-puppet install
* run puppet like so to find the first batch of stuff to fix: puppet apply --environment=development --modulepath=/etc/puppet/environments/development/modules/:/etc/puppet/environments/developmen
t/manifests/ -e 'include ::role::puppet::master' --noop
== TODOs ==
* [ ] replace silly headers with block chars with something that most tools dont bork on (ie. some ascii art)
** I removed this on Puppetfile and Modulefile to get librarian to run
* use github https URLs through out, they are simply proxy friendlier everywhere
* refactor role and profile things into proper modules and use proper puppet:// data urls