
Manually adding a new bridge

144 bytes added, 13:03, 18 February 2014
/* Create a new bridging device */
As the new VLAN interface is now up, an additional bridge can be added.
Again the network configuration needs to be edited. Append the configuration of the new bridge, below the existing <code>vmbr0</code> bridge configuration. In the following example the bridge <code>vmbr4</code> is added on top of VLAN <code>141</code> with a prefix of <code>192.0168.2141.13/24</code>:
<source lang="bash">
$EDITOR /etc/conf.d/net
# Bridging (802.1d) interfaces
bridge_vmbr0="vlanXXXvlan140"bridge_add_vlanXXXbridge_add_vlan140="vmbr0"config_vmbr0="XXX192.XXX168.XXX140.XXX13/XX 24 brd XXX192.XXX168.XXX140.XXX255" # is the ip address of the vm-node.routes_vmbr0="default via XXX192.XXX168.XXX140.XXX1"
### Add your new bridge at the end of the bridge section
config_vmbr4="192.0168.2141.13/24 brd 192.0168.2141.255" # is the ip address of the vm-node.rc_net_vmbr4_provide="!net" # Otherwise stopping or restarting the bridge, will bring all net-services down.
To bring the bridge up, an init script is required. Simply symlink the <code>net.lo</code> script to the new bridge name's script, here <code>net.vmbr4</code> is assumed:
* Adding ports to vmbr4
* vlan141 ... [ ok ]
* 192.0168.2141.13/24 ... [ ok ]
SLB, editor, reviewer