
/* Transcript */
| width="40px" | 3
| width="800px" | Mapping of attributes:* The API objects will be defined manually for each resource type.* The mapping will be human readable.* The mapping will be finalized together with the [[Application Programming Interface (API)]] specification.* We want to encapsulate the LDAP and want to be able to collect multiple leafs into one object.
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| width="70px" | 2013-1112-2704
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| width="800px" | Collections (lists):* A default set of return values is defined by the specification.* Per collection resource a default collation is defined by the specification, see [[Application_Programming_Interface_(API)#Filtering.2C_sorting_and_searching | Filtering, sorting and searching]]* Optional: In a later stage, the desired attributes can be requested via query parameter.
| width="70px" | Info
| width="70px" | All
SLB, editor, reviewer