
stoney backup: Server set-up

854 bytes removed, 13:14, 27 August 2013
/* Project (Directory) Quotas */
=== Project (Directory) Quotas ===
Define a unique project ID for the directory hierarchy in the /etc/projects file in the form of:
echo project_ID:mountpoint/directory >> /etc/projects
A real world example: echo 4000187:/var/backup/187/4000187 >> /etc/projects Create an entry in the /etc/projid file that maps a project name to the project ID in the form of: echo project_name:project_ID >> /etc/projid A real world example: echo 4000187:4000187 >> /etc/projid Use the project subcommand of xfs_quota to define a managed tree in the XFS file system for the project in the form of: xfs_quota -x -c ’project 'project -s project_name’ mountpoint A real world example: xfs_quota -x -c ’project -s 4000187’ p /var/backup Use the limit subcommand to set limits on the disk usage of the project: xfs_quota -x -c ’limit -p arguments project_name’ mountpoint A real world example: xfs_quota -x -c ’limit -p bhard=1048576 4000187’ /gugus 1' /var/backup
=== Some important notes concerning XFS ===
SLB, editor, reviewer