
User:Lucas/Gentoo Install Notes

548 bytes added, 21:31, 22 February 2014
* after running the last command until all the errors where fixed i can try to run in agent mode: <code>puppet agent --test --server=`hostname -f`</code>
** i still need to figure out why the <code>--server</code> flag is needed at this stage, somehow the agent is consulting DNS rather than <code>/etc/hosts</code>
now for some hacking that i did to test some concepts:
* setup openldap tooling: emerge openldap
* search for machine: <code>ldapsearch -D 'cn=Manager,dc=stoney-cloud,dc=org' -w admin '(&(objectClass=sstVirtualizationVirtualMachine)(sstNetworkHostname=kvm-0231))'</code>
== TODOs ==
* figure out why layman-add from betagarden needs sudo
* install rgen for puppet parser future at some sensible part of bootstrapping
* figure out what going on here: <code>Feb 22 22:30:01 vm-test-01 ulogd[30493]: p_kvm-0231_0_in Denied dst:: IN=vmbr0 OUT=vmbr0 MAC=01:00:5e:00:00:12:00:00:5e:00:01:03:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=56 TOS=10 PREC=0x00 TTL=255 ID=33458 DF PROTO=112 MARK=0 </code>