
2013-10-16 stepping stone GmbH Development Meeting

262 bytes removed, 12:30, 16 October 2013
/* Transcript of the stepping stone GmbH Development Meeting */
Preparation for the meeting between DEVROOM and stepping stone GmbH on Friday, the 18th of October 2013:
* [[Release Management]]:
** We need to define the versioning.TBD: Set link
* Miscellaneous:
** Other JavaScript framework?*** Currently only JQuery with some extensions*** Evaluate usage of a MV*-Javascript-Framework (like AngularJS, BackboneBilling.js, Ember.JS, [ comparison based on a simple webapp]) to reduce boilerplate-code** Billing?
** Cancellation of
*** Services
*** Customers
*** Resellers
** Service-Transfer from one person to another (in the same company)?.** Service-Transfer from one person to another (another company, same reseller)?.** Service-Transfer from one person to another (another company, other reseller)?Not yet.** Roles and rights?** VM Backup/Snapshots? Restore?.
* [[Modularisation]]: How do we want to modularise?
* [[Application Programming Interface (API)]]
SLB, editor, reviewer