
stoney backup: OpenLDAP directory data organisation

120 bytes removed, 15:31, 7 August 2013
/* Backup Reseller */
dn: uid=4000000,ou=reseller,ou=configuration,ou=backup,ou=services,dc=stoney-cloud,dc=org
objectclass: top
objectclass: TBDsstServiceConfigurationObjectClass
uid: 4000000
description: The sub tree for the specific (online) backup service settings for the reseller Reseller Ltd. with the uid 4000000.
sstIsActive: true
sstIsDefault: true
Wollen wir ein Attribut hinzufügen, welches aussagt, dass dies die Default Einstellungen für den (Online) Backup Service sind?
* sstIsDefault: true
===== Backup Reseller Billing =====
SLB, editor, reviewer