
Hiera Example

828 bytes added, 14:33, 28 March 2014
- "%{::custom_location}"
- common
- json
:datadir: /etc/puppet/hieradata
- "%{::clientcert}"
- "%{::custom_location}"
- common
* This is an example of how a hiera config file might look with an mock ldap backend. The backend in question still needs to be found or written.
* mapping from a DN to directory structure would be nice, so we would rather have to write: ''ou=virtual machines/ou=services'' instead to be compatible with the already existing yaml/json backends or something different entirely
* this needs to take into consideration that puppet expects keys to be defined in a way to enable implicit parameter injection in parameterized classes
* existing ldap backends for hiera: [], []
* we should probably aim at integrating this in hiera-2 with regards to ARM-8 and the already imlemented ARM-9
* I'm not convinced that we should not just grab all this data from the [[stoney_core:_REST_API]] and use that as an integration point for puppet.
[[Category: Documentation]]
SLB, editor, reviewer