
User:Lucas/Gentoo Install Notes

2,064 bytes added, 13:10, 23 February 2014
* install librarian: <code>gem19 install librarian-puppet</code>
* load puppet modules: <code>cd /etc/puppet/environments/development && librarian-puppet install</code>
* workaround some TODOs: <code>ln -s /etc/puppet/environments/development/ /vagrant&& ulimit -n 2048 && emerge dev-ruby/rgen --autounmask-write && dispatch-conf && emerge dev-ruby/rgen</code>* test if puppet is useable: <code>puppet apply --environment=development --modulepath=/etc/puppet/environments/development/modules/:/etc/puppet/environments/development/manifests/ -e 'notify{"test":}' --pluginsync</code>* run puppet like so to find the first batch of stuff to fix: <code>puppet apply --environment=development --modulepath=/etc/puppet/environments/development/modules/:/etc/puppet/environments/developmentdevelopment/manifests/ -e 'include ::role::puppet::master' --pluginsync --noop</code>* let puppet rip: <code>puppet apply --environment=development --modulepath=/etc/puppet/environments/development/modules/:/etc/puppet/environments/development/manifests/ -e 'include ::role::puppet::master' --pluginsync </code>* after running the last command until all the errors where fixed i can try to run in agent mode: <code>puppet agent --test --server=`hostname -f`</code>** i still need to figure out why the <code>--server</code> flag is needed at this stage, somehow the agent is consulting DNS rather than <code>/etc/hosts</code> now for some hacking that i did to test some concepts:* setup openldap tooling: emerge openldap* search for machine: <code>ldapsearch -D 'cn=Manager,dc=stoney-cloud,dc=org' -w admin '(&(objectClass=sstVirtualizationVirtualMachine)(sstNetworkHostname=kvm-0231))'</code>* open ldap port in fw: <code>ldap_pub_out=""</code> and <code>openTcpPortOut "${chains_out[pub]}" "$ldap_pub_out" "636"</code>** i also need to configure <code>ldaps_int_in="${ip_int[vm-test-02]} ${ip_int[vm-test-03]}"</code> in <code>/usr/local/scripts/netfilter/local/chains/vm-test-01/</code> for the above to work.** after all the above i can still not connect from my node to the ldap server. I'll have ot get the iptables gurus on board to solve this. We need more documentation on the setup if a as simple dev should be able to change this. At some point I might even consider puppetizing th eiptables config.
== TODOs ==
* replace silly headers in orcatamer with block chars with something that most tools dont bork on (ie. some ascii art)
** I removed this on Puppetfile and Modulefile to get librarian to run
* use github https URLs through out, they are simply proxy friendlier everywhere
* refactor role and profile things into proper modules and use proper puppet:// data urls
* figure out why the betagarden overlay needs <code>ulimit -n 2048</code> to clone
* install rgen for puppet parser future at some sensible part of bootstrapping
* figure out what going on here: <code>Feb 22 22:30:01 vm-test-01 ulogd[30493]: p_kvm-0231_0_in Denied dst:: IN=vmbr0 OUT=vmbr0 MAC=01:00:5e:00:00:12:00:00:5e:00:01:03:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=56 TOS=10 PREC=0x00 TTL=255 ID=33458 DF PROTO=112 MARK=0 </code>
* get rid of <code>/vargant</code> hard-deps.
* make git with USE="curl"