stepping stone GmbH, Neufeldstrasse 9, CH-3012 Bern
Wednesday, the 11th of September 2013
09:15 until 10:15
- Pat Kläy <pat.klaey@stepping-stone.ch>: PKL
- Christian Affolter <christian.affolter@stepping-stone.ch>: CAF
- Tiziano Müller <tiziano.mueller@stepping-stone.ch>: TMU
- David Vollmer <david.vollmer@stepping-stone.ch: DVO
- Michael Eichenberger <michael.eichenberger@stepping-stone.ch>: MEI (Transcript)
Non participants
- Christian Wittkowski <christian.wittkowski@devroom.de>: CWI
- VIP Configuration
- Make sure, all the selfcare IP addresses are configured as VIPs (Virtual IP Adresses).
- Configure Daemons to use VIP again (including selfcare and phpldapadmin).
- Mail-Configuration
- Override From E-Mail address on vm-nod-01/vm-node-02.
- Configure Mail Sending and override From E-Mail address on kvm-0003.
- Check dhcp configuration on the stoney cloud.
- DNS solution.
- Backup Service
- Add "Subject: {$uid} ..." to the mail templates.
- provsioning.pl
- scheduleWarning.pl
- snapshot.pl
- writeAccountSize.pl
- writeDate.pl
- Monitoring
- 6 Nodes (vm/storage: alle nötigen Dienste)
- 2 Switches (wirkt als ein Switch)
- kvm-0003 (backup: alle nötigen Dienste)
- GlusterFS and Lean Provisioning
- Tasks from 2013-08-28 stepping stone GmbH Development Meeting.