stepping stone GmbH, Neufeldstrasse 9, CH-3012 Bern
Wednesday, the 31st of July 2013
09:00 until 10:00
- Pat Kläy <pat.klaey@stepping-stone.ch>: PKL
- Tiziano Müller <tiziano.mueller@stepping-stone.ch>: TMU
- Michael Eichenberger <michael.eichenberger@stepping-stone.ch>: MEI (Transcript)
Non participants
- Christian Affolter <christian.affolter@stepping-stone.ch>: CAF
- Christian Wittkowski <christian.wittkowski@devroom.de>: CWI
- Software Updates
- qemu-1.5.2
- kernel-3.10.4
- livbirt-1.1.1
- Set stoney cloud test installation into a defined state.
- Remove all old backups from the test installation.
- Create a new vhost in the form of http://selfcare.tombstone.ch on the stoney cloud test installation.
- Create backup configuration for the whole stoney cloud test installation.
- Create backup configuration for the persistent vm pool on the stoney cloud test installation.
- Create backup configuration for a persistent vm on the stoney cloud test installation.
- Next Steps