stoney backup: Backup Breadcrumb Entries (Reseller View)
From stoney cloud
This pages defines the menu entries of the Left Menu in dependency of the current location in the selfcare interface for one (online) backup service.
- Companies and people are added.
- Services are created.
Online Backup Accounts (Version 0.2.0)
Online Backup Accounts of <PERSON> (Version 0.2.0)
Breadcrumb menu:
Resellers Customers People Services Online Backup Accounts > > > <RESELLER> <CUSTOMER> <PERSON> Online Backup
Left menu:
> Online Backup Accounts+ New Person + New Employee + New Service Belongs to Person <SURNAME>, <GIVENNAME> Belongs to Customer <CUSTOMER> <STREET> <NUMBER> <COUNTRY-CODE>-<ZIP-CODE> <LOCATION>