stoney core: OpenLDAP directory data organisation
This document describes the OpenLDAP directory data organisation for the stoney cloud. This directory is the only database for all the services, which are manageable through the web interface of the stoney cloud.
Some titles have numbers in brackets. These numbers reflect the stoney cloud version, in which these entries have been added or modified.
All Service-, User- and Billing-Data ist stored in the OpenLDAP directory. The directory runs in Multi-Master Mirror-Mode for high availability.
Data Organisation
The following chapters explain the data organisation of the stoney cloud OpenLDAP directory.
The following LDIF shows the root entry of the whole OpenLDAP directory tree for the stoney cloud:
dn: dc=stoney-cloud,dc=org objectclass: top objectclass: dcObject objectclass: organization dc: stoney-cloud o: stoney-cloud
The following LDIF shows the root of the whole OpenLDAP directory tree for the stoney cloud modified for the company stepping stone GmbH in Switzerland:
dn: o=stepping-stone,c=ch objectclass: top objectclass: organization o: stepping-stone
The entry c=ch stands for the country code of Switzerland while o=stepping-stone stands for the the organisation stepping-stone. The entry stepping-stone is in the process of being reserved at the Federal Office of Communications. With the reservation of the name, all the directory entries will be unique over the whole world.
The root entry can be chosen during the installation process of the stoney cloud. If you decide to use the default entry, you'll end up with dc=stoney-cloud,dc=org.