This pages defines the menu entries of the Left Menu in dependency of the current location in the selfcare interface for the provider, resellers, customers and people.
- Companies and people are added.
- Services are created.
Provider (Version 0.4.0)
Resellers of <PROVIDER> (Version 0.4.0)
Breadcrumb menu:
Resellers Services
Left menu:
> Overview1> Company Profile2> Employees3> Customers4> People5> Services6+ New Reseller7+ New Customer8+ New Employee9+ New Person10+ New Service11
- 1 Overview page with the services and people (and later on billing): <PROVIDER>
- 2 The page with the billing address (and later on shipping address): Company Profile of <PROVIDER>
- 3 The page is the listing page of all the employees of the <PROVIDER>: Employees of <PROVIDER>
- 4 The page is the listing page of all the customers of the <PROVIDER>: Customers of <PROVIDER>
- 5 The page is the listing page of all the people of the <PROVIDER>: People of <PROVIDER>
- 6 Overview page with the services: Services of <PROVIDER>. If only one service is configured (for example Online Backup), than you automatically arrive on the Online Backup Accounts of <PROVIDER> listing page.
- 7 Add Reseller.
- 8 Add Customer.
- 9 Add Employee.
- 10 Add Person.
- 11 Overview page with the services: Services of <PROVIDER>. If only one service is configured (for example online Backup), than you automatically arrive on the Create Online Backup Account page.
Customers of <PROVIDER> (Version 0.4.0)
Breadcrumb menu:
Resellers Customers Services >
Left menu:
> Overview1> Company Profile2> Employees3> Resellers4> People5> Services6+ New Reseller7+ New Customer8+ New Employee9+ New Person10+ New Service11
- 1 Overview page with the services and people (and later on billing): <PROVIDER>
- 2 The page with the billing address (and later on shipping address): Company Profile of <PROVIDER>
- 3 The page is the listing page of all the employees of the <PROVIDER>: Employees of <PROVIDER>
- 4 The page is the listing page of all the resellers of the <PROVIDER>: Resellers of <PROVIDER>
- 5 The page is the listing page of all the people of the <PROVIDER>: People of <PROVIDER>
- 6 Overview page with the services: Services of <PROVIDER>. If only one service is configured (for example Online Backup), than you automatically arrive on the Online Backup Accounts of <PROVIDER> listing page.
- 7 Add Reseller.
- 8 Add Customer.
- 9 Add Employee.
- 10 Add Person.
- 11 Overview page with the services: Services of <PROVIDER>. If only one service is configured (for example online Backup), than you automatically arrive on the Create Online Backup Account page.
Employees of <PROVIDER> (Version 0.4.0)
Breadcrumb menu:
Resellers Customers People Services > >
Left menu:
> Overview1> Company Profile2> Resellers3> Customers4> People5> Services6+ New Reseller7+ New Customer8+ New Employee9+ New Person10+ New Service11
- 1 Overview page with the services and people (and later on billing): <PROVIDER>
- 2 The page with the billing address (and later on shipping address): Company Profile of <PROVIDER>
- 3 The page is the listing page of all the resellers of the <PROVIDER>: Resellers of <PROVIDER>
- 4 The page is the listing page of all the customers of the <PROVIDER>: Customers of <PROVIDER>
- 5 The page is the listing page of all the people of the <PROVIDER>: People of <PROVIDER>
- 6 Overview page with the services: Services of <PROVIDER>. If only one service is configured (for example Online Backup), than you automatically arrive on the Online Backup Accounts of <PROVIDER> listing page.
- 7 Add Reseller.
- 8 Add Customer.
- 9 Add Employee.
- 10 Add Person.
- 11 Overview page with the services: Services of <PROVIDER>. If only one service is configured (for example online Backup), than you automatically arrive on the Create Online Backup Account page.
People of <PROVIDER> (Version 0.4.0)
Breadcrumb menu:
Resellers Customers People Services > >
Left menu:
> Overview1> Company Profile2> Employees3> Resellers4> Customers5> Services6+ New Reseller7+ New Customer8+ New Employee9+ New Person10+ New Service11
- 1 Overview page with the services and people (and later on billing): <PROVIDER>
- 2 The page with the billing address (and later on shipping address): Company Profile of <PROVIDER>
- 3 The page is the listing page of all the employees of the <PROVIDER>: Employees of <PROVIDER>
- 4 The page is the listing page of all the resellers of the <PROVIDER>: Resellers of <PROVIDER>
- 5 The page is the listing page of all the customers of the <PROVIDER>: Customers of <PROVIDER>
- 6 Overview page with the services: Services of <PROVIDER>. If only one service is configured (for example Online Backup), than you automatically arrive on the Online Backup Accounts of <PROVIDER> listing page.
- 7 Add Reseller.
- 8 Add Customer.
- 9 Add Employee.
- 10 Add Person.
- 11 Overview page with the services: Services of <PROVIDER>. If only one service is configured (for example online Backup), than you automatically arrive on the Create Online Backup Account page.
Naming of Menu Entries
- Profile -> Overview
- Master Data -> Profile
Belongs to Reseller
This is needed, when you are logged in as a provider.
Belongs to Reseller
Belongs to Customer
Belongs to Customer
Belongs to Person
Belongs to Person
Belongs to Service
Belongs to Service