Good to know
ASCII generator Font: slant
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Stoney Cloud
State of the art
- prov-backup-rsnapshot
- The prov-backup-rsnapshot deamon is finished. There is only one thing left to do which is to create the bash script which creates the chroot environment, see prov-backup-rsnapshot#ToDos
- The daemon can be installed and tested according to Backup_(Server_Setup)#prov-backup-rsnapshot (don't forget Backup_(Server_Setup)#prov-backup-rsnapshot)
- rsnapshot
- The script which executes the daily, weekly and monthly rsnapshots is finished. It requires a parameter (--interval) with the appropriate name and then executes for all users (which have set the corresponding value in the LDAP) the appropriate command. You can also pass "hourly" or "yearly" with the --interval parameter.
- The cronjobs are set up for daily, weekly and monthly rsnapshots
- On the test server, the command is only printed, because rsnapshot is not yet installed. If you install the script according to Backup_(Server_Setup)#rsnapshot, the script will execute the commands (don't forget Backup_(Server_Setup)#prov-backup-rsnapshot).
- Backup surveillance
- The schedule-warning script also works for the new environment with the new LDAP and Templates.
- Example template and description see Backup_(OpenLDAP)#Unsuccessful_Place_Holders_E-Mail_.28txt.2Fhtml.29.
- The externalID for the reseller is not yet implemented. To do it you must:
- Include the placeholder in the template in the form of
- Get the ID in the sendmail subroutine of the script
- Add the the following line to the replace variables in the sendmail subroutine of the script (around line 1429):
externalID => $external_ID,
- Include the placeholder in the template in the form of
- The script can be installed according to Backup_(Server_Setup)#schedule_warning (don't forget Backup_(Server_Setup)#prov-backup-rsnapshot)
- The schedule-warning script also works for the new environment with the new LDAP and Templates.
- Backup helper scripts
- The writeAccontSize ... TBD this evening
- A script (and cronjob) which executes two commands each night is still missing and needs to be implemented. It must do an LDAP search and get all active backup account (search under