- Mail Domain
- Add new mail domains.
- Delete existing mail domains.
- Rename existing mail domains?
- Lock a mail domain (until the customer has paid its bill for example)
- Individual number (from zero to infinite) of mail accounts per mail domain.
- Mail Domain Alias
- All emails sent to user@[MAIL_DOMAIN_ALIAS] will be delivered to user@[MAIL_DOMAIN]. For example user@example.org is forward to user@example.com.
- Mail Accounts
- Add new mail accounts.
- Delete existing mail accounts.
- Rename existing mail accounts
- Get used and available Quota of mail accounts
- Lock a mail account (until the customer has paid its bill for example)
- Change owner of existing mail accounts.
- Mail account sizes starting from 100 Megabytes (no upper limit). The size is enforced with a soft quota and a hard quota. The mail accounts can be enlarged by 100 Megabyte steps.
- Do we allow the user to reduce the account size? --Pat (talk) 08:51, 16 October 2013 (CEST)
- Absence Notification (dependant on the groupware functionality).
- E-Mail forwarding with or without a local copy (mails tagged as spam is not forwarded).
- Each mail account has minimum groupware functionality included (called Groupware Webmail4Free).
- The minimum groupware functionality can be upgraded to gain the full groupware functionality (Groupware Business Mobility).
- The full groupware functionality can be downgraded to the minimum groupware functionality.
- Each mail account can have an infinite number of mail aliases.
- Password:
- Change password.
- Reset password (and send newly created credentials to either person logged in oder to the owner of the mail account).
- Set language.
- Mail Alias
- Define Mail Aliases better.
- Do we allow mail aliases to other domains without a local mail account.
- Display Mail Aliases below the mail address in the overall listing?
- Show Mail Aliases when in Mail Account details view.
- Add Mail Alias (same way we want to add companies to a person, see SugarCRM and add further mail addresses)
- Delete Mail Alias
- Views
- Try to consolidate edit and normal views?
- When clicking on Services, then show overview of services?
- When clicking on Person, the show profile of person?
- Update Mockups with the newly gained knowledge from the corresponding selfcare interface.
- Later Phase
- Spam Filter
- Modify the level (strength) of the filter.
- Turn the spam filter off (spam lover).
- Spam Filter Whitelist
- Add mail address (these mail addresses and mail domains are let through the filter).
- Remove mail address.
- Add complete mail domain.
- Remove complete mail domain.
- Spam Filter Blacklist (these mail addresses and mail domains are blocked, no matter what)
- Add mail address.
- Remove mail address.
- Add complete mail domain.
- Remove complete mail domain.
- Notifications
- Quota
- Newsletter for mail related news,
- Mass Import of Mail Accounts via CSV file.
- Spam Filter