stoney mail: OpenLDAP directory data organisation
This document describes the OpenLDAP directory data organisation for the stoney mail service, including groupware functionality based on Open-Xchange.
Data Organisation
The following chapters explain the data organisation of the stoney cloud OpenLDAP directory, in this case we looking at the stoney mail service.
The following LDIF shows the mail entry of the whole OpenLDAP directory tree for the stoney cloud:
dn: ou=mail,ou=services,dc=stoney-cloud,dc=org objectclass: organizationalUnit objectclass: top ou: mail
Mail Configuration
The sub tree for the configuration of the stoney mail service:
dn: ou=configuration,ou=mail,ou=services,dc=stoney-cloud,dc=org objectclass: top objectclass: organizationalUnit ou: configuration description: The sub tree for the configuration of the stoney mail service.
The following table describes the different attributes:
Attribute | |
Description |
ou | |
This configuration leaf (ou: Organizational Unit), collects the stoney mail service related configuration. |
description | |
The description of this leaf. |
- x: Mandatory in all cases.
Mail Reseller
The sub tree for the reseller specific stoney mail service configuration:
dn: ou=reseller,ou=configuration,ou=mail,ou=services,dc=stoney-cloud,dc=org objectclass: top objectclass: organizationalUnit ou: reseller description: The sub tree for the reseller specific stoney mail service configuration.
The following table describes the different attributes:
Attribute | |
Description |
ou | |
This reseller leaf (ou: Organizational Unit), collects the stoney mail service reseller related configuration. |
description | |
The description of this leaf. |
- x: Mandatory in all cases.
The sub tree for the specific stoney mail service settings for the reseller Reseller Ltd. with the uid 4000000.
dn: uid=4000000,ou=reseller,ou=configuration,ou=mail,ou=services,dc=stoney-cloud,dc=org objectclass: top objectclass: sstReseller objectclass: sstServiceConfigurationObjectClass uid: 4000000 o: Reseller Ltd. description: The sub tree for the specific stoney mail service settings for the reseller Reseller Ltd. with the uid 4000000. sstIsActive: TRUE sstIsDefault: TRUE sstBelongsToResellerUID: 4000000
The following table describes the different attributes:
Attribute | |
Description |
uid | |
A unique integer value with 7 digits or more. For example: 4000000. |
organizationName | |
The organisation name of the reseller. For example: Reseller Ltd. when sstIsCompany: TRUE ). Or in case of a person (sstIsCompany: FALSE ), the organisation name would be set to: Surname, Name (The content of the attributes surname and givenName ).
description | |
The description of the leaf. |
sstIsCompany | |
Is the entry a company? Either TRUE (yes) or FALSE (no).
sstIsActive | |
Is the entry active? Either TRUE (yes) or FALSE (no).
sstExternalID | |
The ID (or number) of a customer, person or product in an external database (for example: 234567). |
sstIsDefault | |
Contains the leaf a default entry? Either TRUE (yes) or FALSE (no). If sstIsDefault is set to TRUE , this entry acts as a fall back configuration. In other words: If a reseller doesn't have his own (online) backup service configuration, then this on will be used.
sstBelongsToResellerUID | |
Stores the reseller UID the leaf belongs to. A unique value with 7 digits or more. For example: 4000000. In this case, the attribute uid and sstBelongsToResellerUID must match with each other!
- x: Mandatory in all cases.
Mail Reseller Logout-Redirection
The sub tree for the reseller logout-redirect specific stoney mail service configuration:
dn: ou=logout-redirect, ou=reseller,ou=configuration,ou=mail,ou=services,dc=stoney-cloud,dc=org objectclass: top objectclass: organizationalUnit ou: logout-redirect description: The sub tree for the reseller logout-redirect specific stoney mail service configuration.
The following table describes the different attributes:
Attribute | |
Description |
ou | |
This logout-redirect leaf (ou: Organizational Unit), collects the stoney mail service reseller logout-redirect related configuration. |
description | |
The description of this leaf. |
- x: Mandatory in all cases.
The sub tree for the reseller logout-redirect specific stoney mail service settings, coming from the fully qualified domain name (fqdn)
dn:,ou=logout-redirect, ou=reseller,ou=configuration,ou=mail,ou=services,dc=stoney-cloud,dc=org objectclass: top objectclass: organizationalUnit objectclass: sstLogoutRedirect ou: description: The sub tree for the reseller logout-redirect specific stoney mail service settings, coming from the fully qualified domain name (fqdn) sstWebsiteURL:
The following table describes the different attributes:
Attribute | |
Description |
ou | |
This leaf (ou: Organizational Unit), contains the logout-redirect related configuration for a specific fully qualified domain name (fqdn). For example: |
description | |
The description of the leaf. |
sstWebsiteURL | |
The URI the user is redirected to, after they log out from the groupware application. For example: or |
- x: Mandatory in all cases.
Mail Domains
The leafs containing the mail domains for the stoney mail service. We can have one of the following mail domain types:
- Mail Domain: A local mail domain. For example:
- Mail Domain Aliases: A mail domain (for example:, which points to a local mail domain. For example: All email addresses ending with are thus forwarded to the local mail domain
- Mail Domain Forwards: A mail domain (for example:, which points to an external mail domain. For example:
Mail Domain Example
The following example shows the mail domain name,ou=mail,ou=services,dc=stoney-cloud,dc=org objectclass: top objectclass: sstMailDomain objectclass: sstGroupwareOX objectclass: sstProvisioning objectclass: sstRelationship sstMailDomain: sstIsActive: TRUE sstGroupwareOXContextID: 3724493 sstGroupwareOXDomain: sstProvisioningExecutionDate: 20100824 sstProvisioningMode: add <- Shouldn't this be changed to added after a successful provisioning step? sstProvisioningState: 20100824T105847 sstBelongsToResellerUID: 4000000 sstBelongsToCustomerUID: 4000001 sstBelongsToPersonUID: 4000002 sstBelongsToBillingUID: 3724493 <- This attribute has the same function as the uid in other services.
Mail Domain Alias Example
The following example shows the mail domain alias, which points to the local mail domain
dn:,ou=mail,ou=services,dc=stoney-cloud,dc=org objectclass: top objectclass: sstMailDomainAlias objectclass: sstProvisioning objectclass: sstRelationship sstMailDomain: sstIsActive: TRUE sstProvisioningExecutionDate: 20100824 sstProvisioningMode: add <- Shouldn't this be changed to added after a successful provisioning step? sstProvisioningState: 20100824T115418 sstBelongsToResellerUID: 4000000 sstBelongsToCustomerUID: 4000001 sstBelongsToPersonUID: 4000002 sstBelongsToBillingUID: 3724533 <- This attribute has the same function as the uid in other services.