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(Person creation request message body)
(Person creation request message body)
Line 154: Line 154:
|Telephone number
|Telephone number according to [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E.164 E.164] (international dialling code, trunk code, area code, subscriber line). For example: <code>+41 11 222 33 44</code>.  
|Phone number according to [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E.164 E.164] (international dialling code, trunk code, area code, subscriber line). For example: <code>+41 11 222 33 44</code>.  
Line 164: Line 164:
|Mobile telephone
|Mobile telephone number according to [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E.164 E.164] (international dialling code, trunk code, area code, subscriber line). For example: <code>+41 11 222 33 44</code>.
|Phone number according to [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E.164 E.164] (international dialling code, trunk code, area code, subscriber line). For example: <code>+41 11 222 33 44</code>.

Revision as of 17:07, 4 June 2014

Also visit stoney core: People Resource Mapping (REST - LDAP).


The REST API describes the (Representational State Transfer Application Programming Interface) of the people resource to be used by stoney core, stoney conductor and other Self-Service Modules or third party applications.

Basically, we want to be able to do the following things:

  • Create a new person (POST).
  • Retrieve multiple people in the form of a list (GET).
  • Retrieve a single person (GET).
  • Update an existing person (PUT).
  • Update one or more values of an existing person (PATCH).
  • Delete a single person (DELETE).

To get an idea what happens behind the screens, have a look at the stoney core: People Resource Mapping (REST - LDAP) documentation located in the Mapping (REST - LDAP) category.

People resource methods

Person creation (POST)

To create a new person the client needs to send a HTTP POST request on the people collection resource URI https://api.example.com/v1/people (also see Base URI), including the associated person informations. The service will generate a new person and responds with a HTTP status code 201 (Created) on success. The newly created person URI is returned within the HTTP location header, which can be used by the client to gather further information about the new person.

Person creation request message

HTTP request part Content Example
Request lines
POST <Request-URI> HTTP 1.1
HOST: <Host>
POST /v1/people/ HTTP 1.1
HOST: api.example.com
Request headers
Accept: <Type>/<Subtype>
Accept-Charset: <Charset>
Content-Type: <Type>/<Subtype>; charset=<Charset>
Accept: application/json
Accept-Charset: UTF-8
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Request body JSON object
{ ... }

Person creation request message body

Person Object
Parameter name Data type Mandatory Description Valid content PCRE Default value Example
gender string yes The gender of the address holder Either f for female, m for male or n for neutral.
"gender": "f"
title string no The title of a person. @TODO add regex
"title": "CEO"
isActive boolean yes Is the entry active true or false true
"isActive": true
givenName string yes The given name (first name or forename) of the address holder. UTF-8 {64} @TODO: Add regex
"givenName": "Name"
surname string yes The surname (last name or family name) of the address holder. UTF-8 {64} @TODO: Add regex
"surname": "Surname"
preferredLanguage string yes Language tag <ISO 639-1 Code>-<ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code>
"preferredLanguage": "de-CH"
password string yes Password min 8 chars, max 255 chars
"password": "dontstealme!"
mail string yes Email address @TODO: Add regex
"mail": "user@example.com"
telephoneNumber string yes Telephone number Phone number according to E.164 (international dialling code, trunk code, area code, subscriber line). For example: +41 11 222 33 44.
"telephoneNumber": "+41 11 222 33 44"
mobileTelephoneNumber string yes Mobile telephone Phone number according to E.164 (international dialling code, trunk code, area code, subscriber line). For example: +41 11 222 33 44.
"mobileTelephoneNumber": "+41 11 222 33 44"
belongsToResellerID integer yes The reseller identification number the newly created person resource must belong to. @TODO add regex
"id": 4000001
belongsToCustomerID integer yes The customer identification number the newly created person resource must belong to. @TODO add regex
"id": 4000002
billingAddress Object
Parameter name Data type Mandatory Description Valid content PCRE Default value Example
organizationName string no The name of the organization. @TODO: Add regex
"organizationName": "Person Ltd."
gender string yes The gender of the address holder Either f for female, m for male or n for neutral.
"gender": "f"
givenName string yes The given name (first name or forename) of the address holder. UTF-8 {64} @TODO: Add regex
"givenName": "Name"
surname string yes The surname (last name or family name) of the address holder. UTF-8 {64} @TODO: Add regex
"surname": "Surname"
postalAddress string yes @TODO: Add regex
"postalAddress": ""
countryCode string yes @TODO: Add regex
"countryCode": ""
postalCode string yes @TODO: Add regex
"postalCode": ""
localityName string yes @TODO: Add regex
"localityName": ""
preferredLanguage string yes @TODO: Add regex
"preferredLanguage": ""
mail string yes @TODO: Add regex
"mail": ""
telephoneNumber string yes @TODO: Add regex
"telephoneNumber": ""
mobileTelephoneNumber string yes @TODO: Add regex
"mobileTelephoneNumber": ""
websiteURL string yes @TODO: Add regex
"websiteURL": ""
shippingAddress Object
Parameter name Data type Mandatory Description Valid content PCRE Default value Example
organizationName string no The name of the organization. @TODO: Add regex
"organizationName": "Person Ltd."
gender string yes The gender of the address holder Either f for female, m for male or n for neutral.
"gender": "f"
givenName string yes The given name (first name or forename) of the address holder. @TODO: Add regex
"givenName": "Name"
surname string yes The surname (last name or family name) of the address holder. @TODO: Add regex
"surname": "Surname"
postalAddress string yes @TODO: Add regex
"postalAddress": ""
countryCode string yes @TODO: Add regex
"countryCode": ""
postalCode string yes @TODO: Add regex
"postalCode": ""
localityName string yes @TODO: Add regex
"localityName": ""
preferredLanguage string yes @TODO: Add regex
"preferredLanguage": ""
mail string yes @TODO: Add regex
"mail": ""
telephoneNumber string yes @TODO: Add regex
"telephoneNumber": ""
mobileTelephoneNumber string yes @TODO: Add regex
"mobileTelephoneNumber": ""
websiteURL string yes @TODO: Add regex
"websiteURL": ""

Person creation response message

HTTP response part Content Example
Status Line
HTTP/1.1 <HTTP-Status-Code> <HTTP-Status-Message>
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Response headers
Content-Type: <Type>/<Subtype>; charset=<Charset>
Location: <Location-URI>
Content-Type: Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Location: https://api.example.com/v1/people/5000001
Response body JSON object
{ ... }

Person creation response message body

Person Creation Response Object
Parameter name Data type Mandatory Description Valid content PCRE Default value Example
id integer yes The identification number of the newly created person resource. @TODO add regex
"id": 5000001
location string yes The location URI of the newly created person resource, corresponds with the HTTP location header. @TODO add link to URI RFC
"location": "https://api.example.com/v1/people/5000001"
error object no In case of a failure, an error object with the appropriate error messages will be returned. Refer to the Error codes and response chapter for more informations.
"error": { /* ... */  }

Person retrieval (GET)

Person collection retrieval (GET)

To retrieve existing people, the client needs to send a HTTP GET request on the person's collection resource URI https://api.example.com/v1/people. The service responds with a HTTP status code 200 (OK) on success and returns the various people.

Note that the service will only return a limited amount of objects at once and provides links for retrieving further objects. Refer to the Pagination chapter for more information.


If you don't add a sort attribute, the collection will be sorted by id (ascending). If you would like a sorted collection answer, the query parameter sort must be added with the object's sort attribute(s) as the value: https://api.example.com/v1/people?sort=personName,isActive. For further information on filtering, sorting and searching, visit stoney core: REST API.

Search (fulltext)

To form a fulltext search (people only), append the url query parameter q with the desired search text: https://api.example.com/v1/people?q=example. The document stoney core: Search Resource - REST API describes the search in detail.

Search (with filter)

To form a specific search, append the url query attribute(s) name (for example personName) with the desired search text: https://api.example.com/v1/people?personName=example. You're allowed to search for all attributes that are returned in the Person element retrieval response message body.

Person collection retrieval request message

HTTP request part Content Example
Request lines
GET <Request-URI> HTTP 1.1
HOST: <Host>
GET /v1/people/ HTTP 1.1
HOST: api.example.com 
Request headers
Accept: <Type>/<Subtype>
Accept-Charset: <Charset>
Accept: application/json
Accept-Charset: UTF-8
Request body <Empty>

Person collection retrieval response message

HTTP response part Content Example
Status Line
HTTP/1.1 <HTTP-Status-Code> <HTTP-Status-Message>
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Response headers
Content-Type: <Type>/<Subtype>; charset=<Charset>
Location: <Location-URI>
Content-Type: Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Link: <https://api.example.com/v1/people?page=1&per_page=30>; rel="first",
  <https://api.example.com/v1/people?page=2&per_page=30>; rel="prev",
  <https://api.example.com/v1/people?page=4&per_page=30>; rel="next",
  <https://api.example.com/v1/people?page=10&per_page=30>; rel="last"
X-Total-Count: 295
Response body JSON object
{ ... }
Person collection retrieval response message body
Person Collection Retrieval Response Object
Parameter name Data type Mandatory Description Valid content PCRE Default value Example

array no An array with one or more person collection objects
    "id": 5000000,
    "location": "https://api.example.com/v1/people/5000000",
    "isCompany": true,
    "isActive": true,
    "personName": "Person Ltd"
    "countryCode": "CH",
    "postalCode": "3012",
    "localityName": "Bern",
    "belongsToResellerID": 4000000,
    "belongsToCustomerID": 4000001
    /* ... */
error object no In case of a failure, an error object with the appropriate error messages will be returned. Refer to the Error codes and response chapter for more informations.
error { /* ... */  }

Person Collection Array Element Object
Parameter name Data type Mandatory Description Valid content PCRE Default value Example
id integer yes The identification number of the person. @TODO add regex
"id": 5000000
location string yes The location URI of the person resource. @TODO add link to URI RFC
"location": "https://api.example.com/v1/people/5000000"
isCompany boolean yes true if the person represents a company, false if it's an individual person. true or false
"isCompany": true
isActive boolean yes true or false true
"isActive": true
personName string yes The person's display name. Mostly the same as the organizationName or the givenName and surname out of the billingAddress object, but can also be the name of a brand.
"personName": "Person Ltd"
countryCode string yes @TODO: Add regex
"countryCode": "CH"
postalCode string yes @TODO: Add regex
"postalCode": "3012"
localityName string yes @TODO: Add regex
"localityName": "Bern
belongsToResellerID integer yes The reseller identification number the person resource must belong to. @TODO add regex
"id": 4000000
belongsToCustomerID integer yes The customer identification number the person resource must belong to. @TODO add regex
"id": 4000000

Person element retrieval (GET)

To retrieve an existing person and fetch the informations associated with it, the client needs to send a HTTP GET request on the person's element resource URI (such as https://api.example.com/v1/people/5000001. The service responds with a HTTP status code 200 (OK) on success and returns the associated person informations.

Person element retrieval request message

HTTP request part Content Example
Request lines
GET <Request-URI> HTTP 1.1
HOST: <Host>
GET /v1/people/5000001 HTTP 1.1
HOST: api.example.com 
Request headers
Accept: <Type>/<Subtype>
Accept-Charset: <Charset>
Accept: application/json
Accept-Charset: UTF-8
Request body <Empty>

Person element retrieval response message

HTTP response part Content Example
Status Line
HTTP/1.1 <HTTP-Status-Code> <HTTP-Status-Message>
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Response headers
Content-Type: <Type>/<Subtype>; charset=<Charset>
Location: <Location-URI>
Content-Type: Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Location: https://api.example.com/v1/people/5000001
Response body JSON object
{ ... }
Person element retrieval response message body
Person Element Retrieval Response Object
Parameter name Data type Mandatory Description Valid content PCRE Default value Example
id integer yes The identification number of the person. @TODO add regex
"id": 5000001
isCompany boolean yes true if the person represents a company, false if it's an individual person. true or false
"isCompany": true
isActive boolean yes true or false true
"isActive": true
personName string yes The person's display name. Mostly the same as the organizationName or the givenName and surname out of the billingAddress object, but can also be the name of a brand.
"personName": "Super-duper Hosting"
countryCode string yes @TODO: Add regex
"countryCode": ""
postalCode string yes @TODO: Add regex
"postalCode": ""
localityName string yes @TODO: Add regex
"localityName": ""
billingAddress object yes An object holding the billing address informations for the given person. Refer to the billingAddress object table for more informations.
  "organizationName": "Person Ltd.",
  "gender": 'm',
  "givenName": "Name",
  "surname": "Surname",
  "postalAddress": "Street Number",
  "countryCode": "CH",
  "postalCode": "1234",
  "localityName": "Locality",
  "preferredLanguage": "en-GB",
  "mail": "name.surname@example.com",
  "telephoneNumber": "+41 00 000 00 00",
  "mobileTelephoneNumber": "+41 00 000 00 00",
  "websiteURL": "https://www.example.com/"
shippingAddress object no An object holding the shipping address informations for the given person. Refer to the shippingAddress object table for more informations.
  "organizationName": "Person Ltd.",
  "gender": 'm',
  "givenName": "Name",
  "surname": "Surname",
  "postalAddress": "Street Number",
  "countryCode": "CH",
  "postalCode": "1234",
  "localityName": "Locality",
  "preferredLanguage": "en-GB",
  "mail": "name.surname@example.com",
  "telephoneNumber": "+41 00 000 00 00",
  "mobileTelephoneNumber": "+41 00 000 00 00",
  "websiteURL": "https://www.example.com/"
people string yes The location URI of the people belonging to this person resource. @TODO add link to URI RFC
"people": "https://api.example.com/v1/people/5000001/people"
employees string yes The location URI of the employees belonging to this person resource. @TODO add link to URI RFC
"employees": "https://api.example.com/v1/people/5000001/employees"
users string yes The location URI of the users belonging to this person resource. @TODO add link to URI RFC
"users": "https://api.example.com/v1/people/5000001/users"
error object no In case of a failure, an error object with the appropriate error messages will be returned. Refer to the Error codes and response chapter for more informations.
"error": { /* ... */  }

Person update (PUT)

To updates an existing person, the client needs to send a HTTP PUT request on the person's element resource URI (such as, https://api.example.com/v1/people/5000001). The service responds with a HTTP status code 200 (OK) on success and returns an empty body.

The PUT method requires one to sent the complete record, thus the work-flow is normally as follows:

  1. A GET request on the Person element URI will be made to fetch the whole document.
  2. Update the fields which content has changed
  3. Send a PUT request with all the person data

Person update request message

HTTP request part Content Example
Request lines
PUT <Request-URI> HTTP 1.1
HOST: <Host>
PUT /v1/people/5000001 HTTP 1.1
HOST: api.example.com
Request headers
Accept: <Type>/<Subtype>
Accept-Charset: <Charset>
Content-Type: <Type>/<Subtype>; charset=<Charset>
Accept: application/json
Accept-Charset: UTF-8
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Request body JSON object
{ ... }

Person update request message body

See Person object.

Person update response message

HTTP response part Content Example
Status Line
HTTP/1.1 <HTTP-Status-Code> <HTTP-Status-Message>
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Response headers
Content-Type: <Type>/<Subtype>; charset=<Charset>
Content-Type: Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Response body JSON object
{ ... }

Person update response message body

On success (200) an empty response message body will be returned, otherwise an error object will provide further informations about the failure.

Person partly update (PATCH)

To update fields of an existing person, the client needs to send a HTTP PATCH request on the person's element resource URI (such as, https://api.example.com/v1/people/5000001). The service responds with a HTTP status code 200 (OK) on success and returns an empty body.

In contrast to the PUT method, only the changed fields are to be included in the request.

Person partly update request message

HTTP request part Content Example
Request lines
PATCH <Request-URI> HTTP 1.1
HOST: <Host>
PATCH /v1/people/5000001 HTTP 1.1
HOST: api.example.com
Request headers
Accept: <Type>/<Subtype>
Accept-Charset: <Charset>
Content-Type: <Type>/<Subtype>; charset=<Charset>
Accept: application/json
Accept-Charset: UTF-8
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Request body JSON object
{ ... }

Person partly update request message body

The JSON message body consists out of one or more fields from the Person object. @TODO: Add example.

Person partly update response message

HTTP response part Content Example
Status Line
HTTP/1.1 <HTTP-Status-Code> <HTTP-Status-Message>
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Response headers
Content-Type: <Type>/<Subtype>; charset=<Charset>
Content-Type: Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Response body JSON object
{ ... }

Person partly update response message body

On success (200) an empty response message body will be returned, otherwise an error object will provide further informations about the failure.

Person deletion (DELETE)

To delete an existing person, the client needs to send a HTTP DELETE request, with an empty request body on the person's element resource URI (such as, https://api.example.com/v1/people/5000001). The service responds with a HTTP status code 200 (OK) on success and returns an empty body.

Person deletion request message

HTTP request part Content Example
Request lines
DELETE <Request-URI> HTTP 1.1
HOST: <Host>
DELETE /v1/people/5000001 HTTP 1.1
HOST: api.example.com
Request headers
Accept: <Type>/<Subtype>
Accept-Charset: <Charset>
Accept: application/json
Accept-Charset: UTF-8
Request body <Empty>

Person deletion response message

HTTP response part Content Example
Status Line
HTTP/1.1 <HTTP-Status-Code> <HTTP-Status-Message>
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Response headers
Content-Type: <Type>/<Subtype>; charset=<Charset>
Content-Type: Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Response body JSON object
{ ... }

Person deletion response message body

On success (200) an empty response message body will be returned, otherwise an error object will provide further informations about the failure.

People search

The people search is a sub section of the stoney core: Search Resource - REST API and is described there in more detail.
